He Versus She

He Versus She

Dr. Seuss invented the term “nerd.” Geoffrey Chaucer coined “twitter.’” Vladimir Nabokov gave us “nymphet,” which is probably what you would expect from the author of Lolita. I have no idea who said “selfie” the first time, but clearly the English language has a long...

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Good College, Bad College

Good College, Bad College

I’m editing The Pell Heist, my novel about an art heist on a college campus outside Newport, RI. Recently, I disappeared down an Internet rabbit hole and compared student debt by college versus starting salaries.

My question: Is elitism self-propelling?

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Have a Story about Money?

Have a Story about Money?

Do you have a story about personal finance you’d like to share, perhaps a cautionary tale that will help others? I’d like to hear about financial predators, family businesses, aging parents, wealth advisers, or great ways to teach kids about money…

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Norb Vonnegut

Norb Vonnegut

The New York Times describes my novels as “money porn,” “a red-hot franchise,” and “glittery thrillers about fiscal malfeasance.” Through fiction I explore the dark side of money and the motivations of those who have it, want more, and will steamroll anybody who gets in their way.

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