PULPIT POUNDERS are the polar opposites of ZOMBIES. They campaign to save you from the villains of Wall Street—even if it means dumping on their own firms. Self-righteous and highly opinionated, these stockbrokers can be passionate students of the markets. They offer well-considered rationales for their investment advice.

They sound compelling. But, beware, the advice is only as good as the PULPIT POUNDER, which is fine if he/she is destined to join the ranks of great investors like Warren Buffett or Julian Robertson. Some lack substance—all chorus and no verse—and it may be difficult to grade them as they harangue you about Wall Street’s garden of good and evil.

Recognize anyone you know?

Check back again as we continue our presentation. Once the series is complete, we will post our complete white paper on the Top 10 Species of Stockbrokers.