Doug, great post yesterday about the Algonquin Round Table.

I started trolling around the web to find out which of the original Algonquin participants said what. I capped Dorothy Parker at two quotes, though her wit was prolific!

10. Edna Ferber: “A closed mind is a dying mind.”

9. Harold Ross: “I asked Ring Lardner the other day how he writes his short stories, and he said he wrote a few widely separated words or phrases on a piece of paper and then went back and filled in the spaces.”

8. Alexander Woollcott: “All the things I really like to do are either immoral, illegal or fattening.”

7. Heywood Broun: “Sports do not build character. They reveal it.”

6. Dorothy Parker: “If you want to know what God thinks of money, just look at the people he gave it to.”

5. Franklin Pierce Adams: “Middle age occurs when you are too young to take up golf and too old to rush up to the net.”

4.Robert E. Sherwood: “Nobody expects him to be normal—he’s a bishop.”

3. Robert Benchley: “Behind every argument is someone’s ignorance.”

2. George S. Kaufman: “Epitaph for a dead waiter – God finally caught his eye.”

1. Dorothy Parker: “That woman speaks eighteen languages, and she can’t say “No” in any of them.”

Did I miss one of your favorites?