The last time I toured the New York Stock Exchange was 1994. I had joined Kidder Peabody and was training to be a stockbroker. Think of my classes as a boot camp for finding clients and managing money.
Kidder sent the newbies, including me, to watch the NYSE in operation. During our visit, the guide showed us one room packed with old-style computer terminals and some very intense people (a behaviorial trait more enduring than technology). He said, "If your trades look suspicious, these guys will flat out nail you."
There was nothing so ominous when I returned last night, except perhaps for my description of what happens inside The Trust. I had the great fortune to make new friends.
I also connected with my longtime buddy, Mark Sheehan, here from Australia and author of The Scent of the Dollar and America Over Easy.
At the NYSE with Bernie Kilkelly
Signing Books with Pat Tracey and Mark Sheehan
Rajwani Pavan, Charlotte McLaughlin, Becky Updegraph and Pat Tracey
Kristine Shoemaker of The Money Show and Bill Powell