The ONS Foundation recently invited me to serve as the auctioneer at their annual fundraising dinner. Bottom line–the event was a blast. But I'm not giving up my day job any time soon.
The foundation is a terrific organization dedicated to improving the standards of excellence for the treatment of muskoskeletal disorders. It was an honor to help them out for the evening. Here's more info on their mission and a link to the website.
The ONS Foundation For Clinical Research and Education, a Greenwich Hospital alliance, works to develop, validate, formalize and disseminate the latest advances in surgical techniques, rehabilitation protocols and clinical outcomes in orthopedics and neurosurgery to improve patient care on regional and national levels.
Caption this Photo!
I'll send a free copy of The Trust to the person who pens my favorite line.

YOU should read The Trust!
Jon, now there's a very strong caption right out of the box!
Do I hear LIBOR for .35??
Trust me….you will love this book!
Tough, tough decision. Jon, I owe you a book. Email me your address so I can send a book: