
A five-star shout out to the incomparable Briggs Doherty of B.A.D. (Briggs Austin Doherty) Custom Clothiers. Wall Street was easy. I put on a good suit, a clean white shirt and one of my favorite Ferragamo animal ties, and off I went. Day in day out. I took no risk,...

Literary Lights

The Literary Lights luncheon, hosted by the Greenwich Arts Council, was a terrific event. We discussed writing and the arts in additon to Top Producer, The Gods of Greenwich, and The Trust which is my newest Grove O'Rourke thriller due out in July. Among the...

Happy St. Patrick’s Day to the IHYC Ladies Book Club

Last week in Greenwich I had the great fortune to speak with several members of the IHYC Ladies Book Club about The Gods of Greenwich as well as my new novel, The Trust. I’m pictured here with Janet Davis, Mary Jacobson, and Jeanine Jackson. Happy St....

Polar Bear Plunge

It was a balmy 53 degrees on New Year's Day in Narragansett, the perfect temperature for a Polar Bear Plunge. Global warming style, that is. I'm standing here with my son and daughter before our big race into the ocean. After pictures not...

Concordia College deserves prize for foresight…

Seamy Side of Hedge Funds Exposed by Bronxville Novelist Norb Vonnegut at Concordia College's Books & Coffee Series The featured speaker, Norb Vonnegut, was there to discuss his latest novel,The Gods of Greenwich, which takes on the high-rolling world of...

“Like Fighting a Rhino”

If you've read Top Producer, you know I'm fascinated by sharks. These predators are big and powerful. They move like the rest of the sea should drop everything and genuflect. This summer I had the good fortune to fish with Eric Swanson, who is both a friend...