The ONS Foundation recently invited me to serve as the auctioneer at their annual fundraising dinner. Bottom line–the event was a blast. But I'm not giving up my day job any time soon. The foundation is a terrific organization dedicated to improving the...
Who likes audiobooks as much as I do? When I was a stockbroker, braving my way through Manhattan’s kiss-and-yell traffic every morning, I listened to books on tape all the time. Hemingway, Irving, Wolfe–I grew to love cabbies giving me the finger....
You gotta love social media. I was about to tweet this afternoon and noticed this exchange between two women on Twitter: Woman 1: "Apparently Kurt Vonnegut has a cousin named Norb. I find this amusing." Woman 2: "Norb reminds me of Norbert, which...
“Still, the flight from New Orleans to Honolulu seemed like a long way to go just to die. A man could die pretty much anywhere these days.” — LAST LAWYER STANDING (2012) by Douglas Corleone
Over the past week, I’ve been thinking about acronyms. Not sure why. When I worked on Wall Street, I avoided them. The investment banks tried to simplify complex financial instruments with familiar sounding names that sometimes went too far: LYONs and TIGRs and...
The New York Times describes my novels as “money porn,” “a red-hot franchise,” and “glittery thrillers about fiscal malfeasance.” Through fiction I explore the dark side of money and the motivations of those who have it, want more, and will steamroll anybody who gets in their way.