“Whom You Know” is a terrific website that profiles the best of Manhattan. Peachy Deegan and her team review everything: restaurants, places to shop, books, you name it. Recently, Whom You Know discussed The Trust. Here are a few excerpts from what Peachy had to say.
Today, we highly recommend his [Norb’s] latest and greatest: The Trust. As the protagonist, Grove continues to encounter and address the most adverse situations possible, and now we find out what serving on a Charitable Board can really mean…all our Charitable Peachy features-read on! It’s not all champagne and black tie galas at the Plaza…but be aware that Norb is not a total high society type though he appreciates the finer things of life-he is down-to-earth enough to be talking about Pedro and South of the Border which everyone knows is a major highway exit on the border of North and South Carolina. Peachy distinctly remembers ordering blue bubblegum ice cream there as a kid on the way to Florida. (fun at the time but probably not a contender in Peachy’s Picks…)
See how much fun the website is? Read the full review.