Worst Case Wednesday

Next week I’m starting an advice column for finance professionals: Worst Case Wednesday. It’s about what to do when the unthinkable happens. You’re late for a meeting—even worse, you sleep through it. The SEC shows up at your front door. Your client asks...

Top Ten Types of Stockbrokers #4

#4 WELL-TRUSTED FRIENDS OR “WTF” WTFs are laureled and tenured advisers. Through years of service, they cross a relationship Rubicon among their client base—from stockbrokers to personal friends. They’re widely labeled as “the best.” They’ve been around forever. They...

Top Ten Types of Stockbrokers #5

#5 NuSKINNERS As a general rule, multi-level marketers allocate more time to recruiting other salespeople than to mastering their products. The choice makes sense, because they get a scrape of everything their “down-line” recruits sell. NuSKINNERS are stockbrokers who...

Top Ten Types of Stockbrokers #6

#6 SQUIDS SQUIDS are the stockbrokers who wrap themselves around senior management at their firms. They don’t cold call. They prospect inside their own walls and play brokerage-house politics Chances are, you won’t meet them unless your firm is an investment-banking...

Top Ten Types of Stockbrokers #7

#7 PULPIT POUNDERS PULPIT POUNDERS are the polar opposites of ZOMBIES. They campaign to save you from the villains of Wall Street—even if it means dumping on their own firms. Self-righteous and highly opinionated, these stockbrokers can be passionate students of the...